
We are very sorry for a series of powerful earthquakes, we pray for all Japanese people for their safety and well being. Please take care and be safe.
Kashinath Deogade
RUDYA, India
I'm praying for all of you that all is well. Take care and stay safe.
Francesca Wong
AFS Malaysia

この悲劇の影響を受けた皆様に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。 JAFSのチーム全員で避難者の安否確認や救援活動に取り組んでいることは称賛に値します。
JAFSと被災者の皆様へ、私たちの思い、祈り、応援メッセージを送ります。 私たちは団結して、この困難な時期に皆さんと共にいます。
生命と財産を失った犠牲者のご家族に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。 逆境に立ち向かう力と励ましを得られることを私たちは願っています。
We are shocked to hear about what happened recently in Japan on January 1st, 2024. Our hearts go out to the families affected by the devastating earthquake in the NOTO area of Ishikawa.
We extend our deepest sympathies to everyone impacted by this tragedy. Your efforts with the whole team of JAFS to confirm the safety of those evacuated and provide relief support are commendable.
We are sending our thoughts, prayers, and messages of support to JAFS and the disaster victims. In solidarity, we stand with you during these challenging times.
Our deep sympathies to those families of victims who have lost lives and properties. We hope they will have the strength and encouragement to face adversity.
Wishing strength and resilience to the affected communities.
Jimmy Pontoh
AFS North Sulawesi, Indonesia
AFSネパールは、危機の際に常にネパールに寄り添ってくれた日本に心から感謝の意を表したいと思います。 特にジャジャルコットの地震や 2015 年の壊滅的な出来事の際の皆様のご支援は、私たちの心に消えない記憶を残しました。救援物資と援助の提供に対する皆さんの揺るぎない取り組みは、両国間の真の友情と連帯の精神を示しています。 今、日本が困難な時期にありますが、私たちの思い、祈り、そして深い見舞いの心が皆さんとともにあることを知っていただきたいと思います。AFSネパールは、この悲劇直後の状態に対して可能な限りの支援を行うことを約束します。 私たちは日本人の回復力を信じており、時間が経てば日本は灰の中から再び立ち上がり、これまで以上に強く再建されると確信しています。
亡き方の魂が安らかに眠れますよう、そして生き残った人々がこれから待ち受ける困難を乗り越える強さと勇気を見つけられますように。 ネパールと日本の絆は永続する友情の一つであり、この悲しみの瞬間においても私たちは皆さんと共にあります。
It is with heavy hearts and profound grief that we, the members of the Asian Friendship Society Nepal, express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the people of Japan for the devastating earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture.
The earthquake of 7.6 magnitude that struck central Honshu Island on January 1, 2024, has left us all in shock and grief. The loss of lives, destruction of homes, and the overall impact on the affected communities are unimaginable. Our thoughts and prayers go out to every individual affected by this calamity, and we stand in solidarity with the people of Japan during this difficult time.
The Asian Friendship Society Nepal would like to express its sincere gratitude to Japan for always standing by Nepal during times of crisis. Your support, especially during the earthquakes in Jajarkot and the devastating events in 2015, has left an indelible mark on our hearts. Your unwavering commitment to providing relief materials and aid showcases the true spirit of friendship and solidarity between our two nations. In these difficult times for Japan, we want you to know that our thoughts, prayers, and deepest sympathies are with you. The Asian Friendship Society Nepal pledges its support to assist in any way possible in the aftermath of these tragedies. We believe in the resilience of the Japanese people, and we are confident that, with time, Japan will rise again from the ashes and rebuild stronger than ever.
May the souls of the departed rest in peace, and may the survivors find the strength and courage to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. The bond between Nepal and Japan is one of enduring friendship, and we stand united with you in this moment of grief.
AFS-Nepal Family
We are praying for Japan and its fast recovery. May God Bless Japan and make the people strong and courageous to face the problems and overcome. Also, may God use JAFS in this calamity to help those people who are surviving.
Pramod Thorat
HDSI, India.